Facebook will be adding the Stories feature to its news feed……completing a home run of steals from Snapchat.
Facebook has already added the stories feature to the other apps it owns such as Instagram, WhatsApp and Messenger. But the addition to the Facebook news feed will be a huge change, shaking up the way that the app works entirely.
The format of the Facebook Stories feature will be similar to the Instagram Stories layout with it being placed at the top of the news feed. Instead of the status update box, users will now see a series of circles with their friends faces in them.
Facebook Stories represents a fundamental change away from the current idea of the news feed, where people currently scroll down to see new posts. It has already substantially changed the format of Instagram and it will look to do the same to Facebook.
The reason for this change primarily is to serve as a way of undoing the phenomenon of “context collapse”, where people don’t share information about themselves enough. People not sharing enough information about themselves has a huge affect on the data Facebook has on you thus affecting their proposition as a marketing tool.
People used to text, then picture message, then post status updates…..now stories are the main way of people pushing out content about themselves.
What opportunities does this open to business owners and marketeers?